Heeeeyyyy Freedom Creator, This Southern girl from Texas is so pleased to meet you. As you’ll learn as we get to know each other through my emails and videos etc, I love life, love to have fun, travel and help people, oh and make money, lol I Love the Network Marketing Industry and if you don’t, I’ll definitely make sure you will. Have you been struggling to start or restart your business? You are definitely in the right place. My name is Kimberly Helm and I have been Around the Network Marketing Industry for over 15 years, off and on…. I say that because like many of you, it’s been a rollercoaster ride. For a very long time, I didn’t know, understand, or do, what I should’ve been doing to attain success. Sound familiar? The last several years I’ve been with the same Company. It’s here, I started Committing, Focusing, and Creating a system my team could easily follow. In less than 18 months I went from $0 to over $7000 per month. Sooo many people talk about making $10k in 2 months blah, blah, blah or they focus on 6 figures. Quickly. I don’t concern myself with quick. It’s about the long term. It’s not realistic for a majority of people, because Everyone won’t put in the work. Nor is it sustainable. Unless, you develop internally at the same rate of your business, which most people don’t. Fast money can be made, but again, Everybody doesn’t do that. I want people to know the truth and not feel they are less than, if they don’t get to $10 k per month in 2 seconds. Truthfully speaking, it’s wonderful making $500, $600, $900, $1200, $2500, $5000 per month along the way, until you get to $10 k or whatever your number is. Let’s crawl before we walk, then jog, then run, then marathon for life. (@KimsLifeism Tweetable… Tweet that. J Helping people comes natural to me. I’ve helped so many people that are not on my team or even in my Company. Eventually I realized it was time to make My Coaching Official. Enough about me … Let’s Get Started! You can make your investment in your business back quickly, by taking the right steps. #1 BE COMMITTED This is Your Business. Not a hobby. It’s not easy, but it can be done. Put in the work. Commit long term, 12 months minimum. No matter what happens stay focused with consistent action. Check out this book. Nothing worth having comes overnight. There are no overnight successes. People put in work before that happens. You just may not see it. Please don’t be one of those people who says “I’ll give it a month or 2 and see IF it works.” NOOOO! COMMIT OR GO HOME… (Tweetable) Treat this as the business it is and Commit to your success. Don’t come in thinking this is a get rich quick opportunity. Again it’s a Business, not an Opportunity. We’re part of a Life Changing Industry. #2 You must have a reason for doing this. What’s your Why? WHY did you choose your company? What do you want it to help you to achieve? Why do you want a business? There’s no sitting back. YOU Must Be Proactive. Being proactive is not hard, but you must be consistent with your action. What do you desire? Time for a BRAIN DUMP Write 10 things you desire in life on a piece of paper. Which 3 things are most important? 1. 2. 3. That’s your focus. 3. Go through Basic Training & Personal Development within 24-48 hours. Don’t argue or reinvent, just Follow the system of Your Team… 1. Register and plan to attend next company event. Sign up & pay for your Next company event Right now. This is the place commitment is cemented into your being. 2. Go to the bookstore or go online to Amazon and order books that will improve your mindset and confidence. Some suggestions are Think & Grow Rich, Go For No, The Greatest Networker In The World, How To Win Friends And Influence People. When You grow, Your money grows. 4. MAKE A LIST Do a brain dump…. Without thinking, time yourself for 3 minutes. Use your phone or whatever you have. Write down as many names as you can whether you remember last names or not of as many people as you know. Don’t Think, Just Write. Write names that just pop into your head without thinking or judging them. That’s your assignment, don’t move to the next step until you do this. Take the brain dump and Write down the names, numbered. Next to the name put their family situation, occupation, their hobbies or things they love to do that you know of, and what motivates them. If they didn’t have to work, what would they do with their time? You know these people so think about these things in that context, not what you think, but what you know. 5. 3 WAY CALLS NON OPTIONAL Within the first hour of getting started, call 10 people on the list. Don’t pick and choose just start with number 1. Do this with the help of the person training you. Pique their interest, do a 3 way call, send them info and get a time you can call them back to see what they thought. This is the minimum. If you are a Freedom Creator Rock Star, call as many beyond 10 people that you can. The sooner you get the information in front of people the better. EXAMPLE Be in a rush. So they know you are not going to keep them long, because you have things to do. 1. You want to make money or save money? Great for telecom business. You can’t guarantee saving money, but great question to ask. You want them to look at the services you offer. You are just piquing interest to see if open, business or customer. 2. Hey, I remember when you were talking about….. let’s say tired all the time or (wanting to travel more)… I just started a new business that can help you with ….. would you be interested in just receiving information about that. OR
These are just itty bitty examples. Tweak it or roll with what you have. When they say Yes, have a 3 way expert standing by to share. Set up a specific time to contact them back after they check out the info. 6. FOLLOW UP Do you want to make money And create Freedom for yourself? Then FOLLOW UP…. Do it when you say you will. The fortune is in the follow up. Most people only follow up 1 time. It requires 5 times or more sometimes, before someone says yes. If they say don’t ever call me again, then well ok. Lol… Otherwise follow up. BONUS 1 START WORKING YOUR BUSINESS BEFORE YOU GET YOUR KIT, OR IF PRODUCT BUSINESS, BEFORE YOU GET YOUR PRODUCTS. BONUS 2 HAVE FUN!!! IT STARTS WITH YOU! If you got at least 1 Boooooyaaaah, moment from this guide, then I succeeded. Come to my facebook.com/kimslifeisms & share what you personally learned. And if you haven’t done so, like the page. P.S. Family if you know anyone who could benefit from this guide, please send them to www.FreedomCreatorFastStartGuide.com so they can sign up for it. PLEASE SHARE #FCFaststartguide #FreedomCreatorfaststartguide #FreedomCreators #FreedomCreator ENVISION WHAT YOU WANT AND GO GET IT! Contact me Schedule a session with me. Learn Do Empower Earn In Inspiration… Learn Love Lift Kim Helping Network Marketers become successful in our Industry. I went from $0 to over $7,000 per month in less than 18 months. This is a business, not a hobby. Understanding what's needed to succeed online is important. You have to get to $500 before you make $1k, $5k before you make $10k. Focus on long term vision. WORKBOOK
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