![]() I'm going to talk about about 5 ways to get rid of gas pain fast. That's something that I'm sure you've dealt with. Right? I'm sure you've dealt with it, because I've dealt with it. Did you know that, gas pain, not gas pain, but most people pass between 13 and 21 times per day of gas. Yikes, you know, really that many times? What's really happening, that it is that many times that gas gets entrapped in our intestine and the pain is so bad that sometimes doctors even mistake gas pain for appendicitis. Heart disease. What was the other thing gallstones? But in reality is just gas. I remember one time when I was like, 12 years old or younger, I had such severe pain that my mom was like, if it's not better by tomorrow. We're going to the hospital because we thought maybe it was appendicitis or something like that. But it wasn't, it was gas and it was very severe So I'm sure you have dealt with that. So, number 1 is to let it out. Most people, hold that gas. Which I understand if you got that gas that's rank, it, smell like something done crawled up in you and died. I understand if you're not eating well and that, and that gas is like horrendous. You don't want to kill anybody. They may need a gas mask or something. If you know, you need to go somewhere, don't let it out around people. But you need to let it out though. You don't wanna hold it because if you had gas and you didn't have pain, now you're gonna have pain. So make sure you make that happen. Number 2 is to go to the bathroom, have a bowel movement. Sometimes if your gas is really foul, it's because you have a lot of waste in you and it's like garbage and the sewer and that smell. So let it out because your intestines is made like this. Sometimes you have like waste then gas pockets, then waste and gas pockets and you wanna get it. The only way that gas is gonna come out is to get that waste out. Make sure you're having those bowel movements. I'm just saying keep that colon clean. If you need help with constipation, check out this colon cleanse. I've used it many times. Number 3, slow down when you're eating and chew your food. Sometimes when you're eating too fast or you're eating while moving, you swallow air. You let more air in than needs to be. So make sure you are chewing your food. In school they told us to chew our food like 32 times or something like that? I'm not gonna do that. Let's keep it real. But I try to be conscious when I'm chewing cause I just chew a couple of times and then take another bite. I've done that. What's the point of having teeth? If we're not gonna chew our food that's gonna swallow? That's not good. So number 4 is say no to the straw. This is something that I haven't thought about but a lot of times when you are sipping on a straw, you swallow excess air in addition to straws. What also causes that is when you drink from a bottle, depending on the type of bottle, the shape of the bottle that can create additional air cause you to swallow additional air as well. To avoid that gas pain, you're saying, OK, when I drink, sip from a glass, but this is not a, don't be a straw sipper. OK. Number five is choose none. Car I got my notes right here. Choose noncarbonated drinks like spark of water, sodas and you know things like that that can send a lot of gas to the stomach and cause you to have bloating and pain that if you have never had gas pain, you don't want to have gas pain. 5 ways to get rid of gas pain fast. Now to recap. One eat slowly. Two don't be a salt. Three, have a bowel movement four is just let it out. I cannot forget that. One. Number five is choose noncarbonated drinks. It's no joke comment below. Let me know if you've experienced bad gas and what you did to alleviate it. Thank you so much for joining me on my broadcast. Envision what you want and then go get it. Booyah! Take care guys.
It's sooooo easy to get upset, lose control, say things we wish we didn't. Even when warranted, still pause, instead of reacting. Normally if it's just because of weather, airlines don't always put you up in hotel etc when miss a flight. Mechanical error, yes indeed they put you up. I missed my connecting flight through no fault of my own. I was in a completely different city of my departure. I didn't get upset. I just went to talk to them for them to handle it. They told me they don't always do this. In my head, I'm thinking, "what the what". The rain was horrendous where I had just left, plane couldn't take off. They are going to put me up Not only did they put me up in a beautiful hotel, but gave me 3 meal vouchers. I was thinking great, 3? It was already evening and I was departing in the morning only one meal left. It was a great dinner meal. I loved those vouchers for my dinner because we all know hotel food is not inexpensive. She said you are so nice and I can't believe you are not upset, thanks for understanding. For me I don't get upset without figuring out what to do first. Doesn't mean I never get annoyed. I just pause first. And give them a big smile and several nods of understanding, lol. So next time things are unexpected and don't go your way, Pause and have positive thinking. Need help? Join my Booyah Life email club. Envision what you want and let me help you get it. P.S. The picture is from the itty bitty plane i had to fly in the next morning. I have a pic of the pilot and the cockpit. How? because I sitting right behind him. Yes one of those planes. Yikes! Hey, but I made it, that's what counts. Kim ![]() I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but it is H-O-T! where I am... After taking me a quick unavoidable nap, because I've been out in the heat and it is DRAINING... I'm now somewhat refreshed and about to spend a couple of hours working on some things I didn't get to this week. Yes, yes, it's the weekend but entrepreneurs are always building. Are you having problems finding Inspiration? You can find it anywhere. If something is Not working, your car, your air conditioning in your car or home, it's hot, it's breezy, you worked out, you didn't work out, you have food in your fridge, you don't have what you want etc. You can get Inspiration from all of these things. Seriously anything can inspire you to take action on your biz so you won't be in a situation feeling lost or so you can change the situation. Sit down, close your eyes and relax. Take out pen and paper or sit in front of your computer and keyboard and just type whatever comes to your mind. I promise you there will be many topics. Just type words or statements. People tell me all the time I don't know what to post or blog about. I don't know what to share or teach people. You really do, you just don't realize it. Sitting here on my facebook biz page, I realized I hadn't posted anything. I'm still working on my www.KimHelm.com website, but had only made 1 blog post. The words just started to flow. The key is to just share. This is how this post was created for my blog. I was thinking about how hot it was, it had drained me after running errands. I didn't get to work out this morning... Hmmmmm, What can I talk about? How did you create or decide what to talk about on your first blog post? If you haven't created it yet, why not? Need a coaching session to help you get started? It's what I do, let me help you. Want to join our Freedom Creator Mastermind fb group? Come on in. It is just being launched. You can be first. Stay cool and hydrated. It All Starts With You Freedom Creator... Kim .
Great Morning, Afternoon, Day, Evening, Weeeekend!!! You can take something from every day life experiences to utilize in your business. If you have a family gathering today, think about how you interact with people there. When you are sitting back, just chilling, watching people. Figure out what you as an individual can do to make their day even better. I just got back from a family reunion in the state of Kentucky, I'm from Texas. It was one of the best reunions I've been to. Instead of being focused on just themselves, Most people were doing what they could to make things run smooth, to help where they could. Many times people just sit back and wait to be served, or satisfied etc. Not at this event. It was a beautiful thing to see. Look around Wherever you happen to be this weekend, and see how you can serve. Some things you may need to ask, but there are some things that You Know what you can do, so Just Do It. I promise you will learn something you can use in your business to make it grow. Being proactive will serve you well every time. Have fun, but think about how you can Learn, Empower and Earn. "It Starts With You" Comment on this post about what you did, plan to do and learned... If you received value, please Share this post... Kim .... Are you ready to be a Freedom Creator? Join us now... |
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September 2023